Nākamas paaudzes daudzfunkcionālās piekļuvesmezgli
Nākamas paaudzes daudzfunkcionālās piekļuvesmezgli
Central site solution, major building block of RAD’s portfolio for service providers, carriers and utilities, Megaplex-4 functions as a carrier-class, TDM and Ethernet aggregator, as well as a high capacity DS0
cross connect and next generation multiservice access node. It transports legacy and next-generation services over any infrastructure for seamless migration. The Megaplex-4 family includes two devices: a larger 10-slot Megaplex-4100 and a compact 4-slot Megaplex-4104. When deployed as a carrier-class Ethernet aggregator, Megaplex-4 can terminate
Ethernet traffic carried over E1/T1/SHDSL/SHDSL.bis/fiber links or native Ethernet copper and fiber, as well as through a VCG in the SDH/SONET circuits. This traffic can then be switched either to a different PDH/TDM trunk or to Ethernet ports. With RAD’s Service Assured Access (SAA) capabilities, Megaplex-4 provides Carrier
Ethernet functionalities, such as traffic management (TM), standards-based operations, Administration and Monitoring and Performance Monitoring (OAM&P). Using pseudowire, Megaplex-4 provides
legacy services over packet-switched networks (PSN) making it a fundamental building block in RAD’s Service Migration
Hybrid Access solution. Megaplex-4 converts the data stream from TDM/serial modules in the MP-4100/4104 chassis (E1/T1, SHDSL, data or voice ports) into IP or MPLS packets for transmission over Ethernet, IP or MPLS networks.
Megaplex-4 offers carrier-class provisioning features, including end-to-end path management, to ensure continuous service availability. Advanced SNMP management capabilities enable Megaplex-4 to control and monitor all network elements: SDH/SONET access and ring units, as well as remote POP and first mile broadband access feeders and CPEs.
Daudzfunkcionālās piekļuves multipleksors
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SHDSL.bis modems
SHDSL.bis modems
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